
热力学第二定律的再研讨 被引量:4

A Redeliberation on The Second Law of Thermodynamics
摘要 阐明了热力学从诞生起就沿着能与势两条线平行发展 ,确认了第二定律 (熵定律 )在热力学中的核心地位。指出由于熵定律的复杂性 ,片面地扩大“从有序到无序”的发展规律 (包括对Rifkin所谓“熵世界观”) ,可能会出现误导。并指出进化是熵增过程的逆过程 ,是使事物复杂性增大的量化问题。通过对用信息熵计算、描述复杂性等问题的思考得出了几点结论性的看法。 It is expounded that thermodynamics has been developed from its beginning along“energy” and“potential” two parallel pathes, and the core position of the second law(entropy law ) in thermodynamics is clarified including its complexity in use, which leads to a misunderstanding by broadening the scope of using the concept “law of development from order to disorder” including Rifkin's “entropy world view”. It is pointed out that the evolution is a converse process of the “entropy increasing”,which cause the quantification of the complexity of object. Some conclusions are reached by calculating the entropy of information and describing the complexity.
出处 《节能技术》 CAS 2003年第6期3-4,7,共3页 Energy Conservation Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(NO .2 0 0 0 0 2 630 7)
关键词 热力学第二定律 熵定律 低熵流 熵增过程 entropy and entropy law low entropy flow evolution
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