用于CATV ,2 5 6 -QAM和OC - 48中继的混合密集波分复用 (DWDM )系统将 2个波长用于AM -VSBCATV传输 ,1个波长用于 2 5 6QAM数字通带信号传输 ,4个波长用于OC - 48(2 .5Gb/s)数字基带信号传输。AM -VSBCATV得到CNR≥ 5 0dB ,CSO≥ 6 7dB和CTB≥ 6 5dB的良好性能 ;80km大容量有效区域光纤 (LEAF)传输的 2 5 6 -QAM和OC - 48数字信号可得到小的误码率 (BER<10 - 9)。
A hybrid dense-wave length-division-multiplexing(DWDM) system for CATV, 256-QAM and OC-48 trunking is proposed and demonstrated. It used two wavelength for AM-VSB CATV, one wavelength for 256-QAM digital passband signal and four wavelength for OC-48(2.5 Gb/s) digital baseband signals transport. Good performances of carrier to noise ration (CNR)≥50 dB, composite second order(CSO)≥67 dB and composite triple beat(CTB)≥65 dB were obtained for AM-VSB CATV; and lowbit error rate(BER<10 -9 ) had been achieved for 256 QAM and OC 48 digital signals over and 80 km large effecitive area fiber(LEAF) transport.
China Digital Cable TV