
A New Process Study on Comprehensive Utilization of NO_x from Nitric Acid Plant

A New Process Study on Comprehensive Utilization of NO_x from Nitric Acid Plant
摘要 Based on studies of controlling NOx from nitric acid exhaust gas domestic and abroad, this paper has developed a new technique on removal of NOx and production of aby-product with high added value-MnO2. Experimentshows, pyrolusite, whose valid composition is MnO2 , of absorbing NOx has the following characteristics: quick, low cost, no secondary pollutant. Moreover, exhaust gas can attain the required standards. If the temperature of the pyrolusite serum is 30℃ , pH = 4, containing 90 g/L MnO2, the absorptivity for 3 000 mg/m3 NOx is 89. 2%. Furthermore, few of the impurities in pyrolusite dissolve in the absorption mother solution. The purification cost of product is very low. The purity of end product MnO2 is more than 99. 995% after purifying. Therefore, it is workable for the new technique on economy and technology. There are also obvious environmental benefits and marked economic returns. Based on studies of controlling NOx from nitric acid exhaust gas domestic and abroad, this paper has developed a new technique on removal of NOx and production of aby-product with high added value-MnO2. Experimentshows, pyrolusite, whose valid composition is MnO2 , of absorbing NOx has the following characteristics: quick, low cost, no secondary pollutant. Moreover, exhaust gas can attain the required standards. If the temperature of the pyrolusite serum is 30℃ , pH = 4, containing 90 g/L MnO2, the absorptivity for 3 000 mg/m3 NOx is 89. 2%. Furthermore, few of the impurities in pyrolusite dissolve in the absorption mother solution. The purification cost of product is very low. The purity of end product MnO2 is more than 99. 995% after purifying. Therefore, it is workable for the new technique on economy and technology. There are also obvious environmental benefits and marked economic returns.
出处 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2003年第03B期1001-1006,共6页 武汉大学学报(自然科学英文版)
基金 Supported by the Key Research Program Fundation of the Education Bureau of Sichuan Province in China(1999127)
关键词 NOx nitric acid exhaust gas comprehensive utilization PYROLUSITE MNO2 NOx nitric acid exhaust gas comprehensive utilization pyrolusite MnO2
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