目的 了解混苯对作业女工血清SOD活性及其生殖机能的影响 ;探讨血清SOD活性及生殖机能改变作为混苯早期损害检测指标的可行性。方法 取 2ml静脉血 ,测血清SOD活性及血中WBC值 ;采用回顾性流行病学方法调查混苯作业女女工生殖机能状况。结果 与对照组相比 ,混苯作业女工血清SOD活性明显增高 ,且早于WBS的改变 ;月经异常状况明显高于对照组 ,不良妊娠情况有增高的趋势。结论 混苯对作业女工血清SOD活性及其生殖机能有严重影响 ,血清SOD活性及生殖机能改变可以作为慢性混苯对机体损害程度检测的辅助指标。
Objective to study the effect of mixed benzene exposure on the activitaies of sera SOD and procreation of female workers.To determine varation of activities of sera SOD and procreation can be the guideline of mixed benzene early monitoring.Methods to taaakle 2ml venous bllod,the activities of sera SOD were counted;white blood cells of female workers were rooutinely counted.TO take retrospective epidemiology to investigage mixed benzene exposure female workers' procreation.RESULTS The activities of sera SOD in benzene intoxicated female workers were highter than those in control group.The variation is earlier than thouse in WBS.The rate of unusual menstruation is higher than those in control grouup.Conclusion Exprosure to low concentration of mixed benzene may be correlated with the rising activities of sera SOD and the varying procreation.They can be tha assistant guideline that chronice benzene intoxication.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis