传染性软疣(Molluscum Contagiosum)为人类皮肤的病毒性赘瘤,生长于人体的任何皮肤表面,通常多见于面部和颈部。患者主要为儿童和青年。典型的病灶是在皮肤表面生出如高粱粒或豌豆粒大的突起的瘤结节,其表面有蜡样的光泽,中央呈脐型凹陷,挤压之,则从凹陷处排出乳酪样物,内含大量病毒,成为传染的源泉(图1A,B)。此病虽然不招致生命危险,但由于其传染性极大,每每在幼儿园和浴室等公共场所造成广泛流行。得病后不易自愈,而且往往因自家感染而遍及全身,造成骚痒或继发感染,影响患者的健康。
Attempts to adapt the virus of Molluscum Contagiosum to laboratory animals withvarious methods including cortisone treatment was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, histopathological studies of the virus--inoculated tissues showed thefollowing interesting phenomena: proliferation and infiltration of the epidermal cells ofboth inoculated chorio-allantoic membrane and inoculated rabbit skin as well as theformation of inclusion bodies in them. After intracerebral inoculation of rabbits withthe virus, cyst-like inclusions in the cytoplasm of neurons were also noted. The causes of unsuccessful adaptation of the virus to laboratory animals but withappearance of certain histopathological changes in some of them were discussed. Histopathological and histochemical studies of the lesions of human Molluscum Con-tagiosum, confirmed the process of gradual formation of inclusion bodies and the dyna-mical changes of RNA and DNA in the epidermal cells.
Acta Microbiologica Sinica