论述知识在产品创新开发中的地位和实现共享的必要性。结合产品的功能创新、原理创新和结构创新 ,从产品全生命周期的视角 ,提出支持产品创新设计的知识体系。分析KBE环境下实现产品开发知识共享的原理和方法。采用基于系统封装的方法构造知识共享和重用平台 。
We analyze briefly status of knowledge in the product development and necessity of implementation knowledge sharing. Considering about product life cycle, the knowledge system has been put forward to support innovation design, which includes function creation, principle creation and structure creation. We expound the principle and methods to implement knowledge sharing of product development within KBE (Knowledge-Based Engineering). Meantime, We have build platform for knowledge sharing and reuse, which support product collaborative innovation for life cycle. Finally, we have developed system for knowledge sharing and reuse of product innovation development, and it has been verified with breaker development.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique