采用面向对象技术描述汽车半轴类零件的整个加工过程 ,建立半轴类零件的加工特征模型 ,将其抽象成为一个半轴零件类 ,类中封装了零件的管理信息、几何信息、工艺信息和加工信息等 ,并将这个模型转换为数据结构模型 ,利用数据结构的理论和方法对特征模型进行表达 ,从而达到对零件的整个加工过程的描述。该技术不仅提高了CAPP系统的柔性化程度 。
Based on Object-Oriented, a feature-based model of Half-Shaft machining was created and a class of part was put forward, in which integrated information of management, geometry, process, machining of part and so on. Then the feature-based model was converted to a data structure model and described with the theory of data structure. With this method of modeling, the flexibility of CAPP system is increased and the information of CAPP can be shared more conveniently in CIMS.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique