探讨传染性非典型肺炎的中医病名、病邪性质和致病特点 ,分析病机 ,寻找辨病辨证的要点 ,提出中西医结合治疗原则和方案。查阅外感热病诸多文献 ,吸取传染性非典型肺炎的研究成果 ,以及广州、北京等地中西医结合诊治经验 ,结合临床实践提出看法。本病属中医温疫 ,其病邪为疫毒 ,具有热、毒、湿之性质和致病特点。疫毒从口鼻而入 ,首先犯肺 ,因湿热毒互结 ,入肺后难解难除 ,虽可传入中焦脾胃或深陷营血 ,但病位从未离肺。临床分阶段辨证施治 。
To probe into the disease name of SARS in TCM,the character of the evil and the feature of the way to cause the disease. To analyze the pathogenesis of SARS in TCM. To find out the sticking point of TCM syndrome and disease differentiation. To put forward the principle and project of combined treatment of TCM and WM for SARS.The documents of exopathogenic febrile were referred to. The research results and experience of integration of TCM and WM for diagnosis and treatment of SARS in Guangzhou, Beijing and other areas were adopted. Our opinion based on the clinical practice was put forward.SARS, which evil is a kind of new epidemic disease, is belonged to plague of TCM. It can be called toxic pestilence because of the character of the heat, toxic and wet evil and the feature of the way to cause the disease. The toxic pestilence always invades the human body from the mouth and nose, so it may damage the lungs at first. It is difficult to eliminate the evil factors when they enter into the lungs because of the agglutination of the wet, heat and toxic evil. The disease can transmit the middle warmer (spleen and stomach) even Ying and blood system, but the diseased part is never away from the lung.Syndrome can be seen in clinic based on TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs. Nine principles on combined treatment of TCM and WM must be paid more attention to.
Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
disease name in TCM
combined diagnosis and treatment of TCM and WM