经过近两年的国内外调研和精心筹划 ,国家农业政策开放实验室项目于2 0 0 3年 1 0月 1 6日在中国农业科学院农业经济研究所正式启动。该项目是由农业部、财政部和世界银行正式立项 ,由世界银行第四期技术援助提供 1 0 0万美元的首期资助。项目将组织中国农业科学院农业经济研究所研究人员 ,同时还将聘请国际和国内著名的农业经济学家及年轻的农业政策分析人员 ,组成高水准的研究团队 ,创建世界上第一个农业经济与政策模拟实验室 ,构建国家级农业政策分析平台和决策支持系统。本期刊登的是项目具体设计人—中国农业科学院农业经济研究所所长钱克明博士执笔撰写的项目总体设计报告的摘要。
on October 16, 2003. The national agriculture policy open laboratory formally startup in the Institute of Agriculture Economics, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences. The item to be formally established by China Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and World Bank. The first help and support by the fourth technical assistance of World Bank ,which has offered one million USD. The item will organize researchers of the Institute of Agriculture Economics, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences .It will retain international and national famous agriculture economist and young agriculture policy analysis personnel, to form the high level of research team, set up the first agriculture economy and policy simulated laboratory in the world, and found a nation class agriculture policy analysis platform and decision support system
Issues in Agricultural Economy