介绍了河南省信阳市 2 0 0 0年 3月引种红壳竹、白哺鸡竹、高节竹、乌哺鸡竹等 4个竹种的栽培试验情况 ,通过对外业调查材料的计算分析 ,证明这 4个竹种在信阳具有较好的适应性 ,特别是经受了百年不遇的旱灾考验 ,成活率 92 %以上 ,出笋率 91%以上 ,造林第四年基本郁闭成林。其中红壳竹和白哺鸡竹出笋较早 ,出笋量较大 ,表现较为突出 。
Cultivation trial condition of Phyllostachys iridescens, Phyllostachys vivax McClure, Phyllostachys dulcis in 2000 were reported in this article . Through calculation and analysis to the investigation referece, it was proved that the four introduced species had good adaptability in xinyang, especially, they had experienced the trial of the biggest drought in a century. 7he experimental results indicated that the average survival rate was above 92%, the shoot appearance rate was above 91%. 7hey basically grew into bamboo forest after four year. Among the four species, Phyllostachys iridescens and P. dulcis expressed better in shoot appearance period and shoot quantity, conld be given priority to spreading.
Journal of Xinyang Agricultural College