
一种像场弯曲的图像复原方法 被引量:2

Restoration of field-curved images
摘要 提出了一种用于像场弯曲图像的复原方法,分析了该方法的原理。将光学成像系统传递函数的逆函数按泰勒级数展开,它与获得图像的傅氏变换的乘积就是复原图像的傅氏变换,再经过反傅氏变换则可以最终用获得图像与其各阶导数的线性组合近似表示复原图像。将该方法应用于镜头存在场曲的数码相机照片的修正,大量实验结果表明,修正后照片清晰度基本上均匀一致。 A restoration scheme is proposed for space-variant image degradation resulting from curvature of field in imaging systems. Providing that the inverse transfer function of an imaging system is represented as the Taylor polynomial series, due to the fact that the product of the inverse transfer function and a degraded image is the Fourier transform of the corresponding restored image, and consequently, the image is restored by computing the linear combination of the original image and its derivative images. The actual restoration results demonstrate that the restoration scheme makes the definition of a space-variant degraded photo roughly uniform in the entire image region.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第6期621-626,共6页 Optics and Precision Engineering
关键词 场曲 移变系统 图像复原 光学系统 数码相机 curvature of field space-variant system image restoration
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