概念隐喻理论认为,隐喻是两个认知域的映射,映射是以两个域的本体对应和认识对应为中介的;两个域的关系是"本体域是喻体域"(T IS S)。基于这样的理论,认知语言学把像Her anger boiled down/I'll meet you at 2o'clock/We have entered the 21stcentury一类的表达称之为"惯用语隐喻"。本文的研究认为,在I'll meet you at 2o'clock/We have entered the 21stcentury中,at 2 o'clock/entered the 21stcentury部分把看不见、摸不着的时间比作可以进入、可以在其上存在的有形实体,是隐喻;但I'll meet you at 2 o'clock/We have entered the 21stcentury整句不是隐喻。
According to Conceptual Metaphor Theory, metaphors are the result of mapping between two conceptual domains, source domain( S) and target domain( T), with the ontological and ep- istemic correspondences as the vehicle. These two domains are related to each other by way of a linking verb BE, thus 'T is S'. In this view, cognitive linguists regard as conventionalized met- aphors those expressions such as 'Her anger boiled down / I'll meet you at 2 o'clock / We have en- tered the 21stcentury'. This paper points out that while 'at 2 o'clock / entering the 21stcentury' are metaphors since intangible TIME is compared to tangible entities such as SPACE, however, 'I'll meet you at 2 o'clock / We have entered the 21stcentury' are not in that the pairs of ' I'll meet you' and 'at 2 o'clock' / 'we' and 'have entered the 21stcentury' cannot be realized as 'T is S'.
Foreign Studies