
Development in theoretical study and practice of library legislation in China

Development in theoretical study and practice of library legislation in China
摘要 One of the most outstanding characteristics of library legislation in China is that theoretical research and legislative practice are mutually reinforcing, making important issues and basic rules and regulations closely associated with legislation and the research focus. A national library law is currently being enacted while several local library legislations have already seen fruitful results. In the enactment of 'Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Dissemination Rights', the library professional participated for the first time in enacting a national copyright law, which led to unprecedented flourishing of library activities and copyright studies. The promulgation of another legal framework,'Government Information Disclosure Regulations' further advanced the research on related issues and pushed forward government information services in public libraries in the same way. A new landmark for library legislation in recent years is the promulgation of'Guidelines for Land Utilization for Public Library Construction' and 'Public Library Construction Standards', while the framing of 'Rules of Professional Ethics for Librarians in China(On trial)' and the 'Library Service Manifesto' give indication that a framework of self-disciplinary measures of library professionals is established. One of the most outstanding characteristics of library legislation in China is that theoretical research and legislative practice are mutually reinforcing, making important issues and basic rules and regulations closely associated with legislation and the research focus. A national library law is currently being enacted while several local library legislations have already seen fruitful results. In the enactment of 'Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Dissemination Rights', the library professional participated for the first time in enacting a national copyright law, which led to unprecedented flourishing of library activities and copyright studies. The promulgation of another legal framework,'Government Information Disclosure Regulations' further advanced the research on related issues and pushed forward government information services in public libraries in the same way. A new landmark for library legislation in recent years is the promulgation of'Guidelines for Land Utilization for Public Library Construction' and 'Public Library Construction Standards', while the framing of 'Rules of Professional Ethics for Librarians in China(On trial)' and the 'Library Service Manifesto' give indication that a framework of self-disciplinary measures of library professionals is established.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science》 2008年第2期16-30,共15页 中国文献情报(英文版)
关键词 Library legal construction Information network dissemination right Government information disclosure Public Library Construction Standards Professional self-disciplined standards Library legal construction Information network dissemination right Government information disclosure Public Library Construction Standards Professional self-disciplined standards
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