@@@@After a quantitative analysis of classical prose from Zhu Dongrun’s Selected Literary Works from the Chinese Dynasties and Yao Nai’s Selected Classical Prose with Categories, we can reveal that the sentence length in classical prose of the Song dynasty is averagely one word longer than that of the Tang dynasty, that in every 100 words there are 1.17 more function words of mood in classical prose of the Song dynasty than in that of Tang dynasty, and that there are 20 more words in the a gift-preface of prose in the Song dynasty than in the Tang dynasty and 300 more words in a epitaph in the Song dynasty than in the Tang dynasty. The phenomenon of the“thin”of classical prose in the Tang Dynasty and the“fat”of classical prose in the Song dynasty is confirmed by the quantitative analysis. Accordingly, we make a stylistic and artistic analysis from three aspects on the differences between the classical prose of the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty, and provide an explanation on the development of prose in the Ming Dynasty in terms of its artistic form and complex social context.
Literature and Culture Studies
Classical Prose in the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty
Quantitative Analysis
Function Word
Length of A Discourse
Artistic Style
Thin and Fat