
遁庵词话 被引量:2

Dun'an Comments on Poetry
摘要 本辑拟将张尔田论词文字汇为一编,名之《遁庵词话》。所采文献主要有四类:第一,张氏《孱守斋日记》。《孱守斋日记》,是张尔田早年读书治学之心得笔记,现存两个版本:其一刊载于1938年《史学年报》第二卷第五期(简称《史学年报》本),凡三百六十九则。其二为南京图书馆古籍部所藏作者手抄稿本(简称"稿本"),凡一百八十二则,该稿本并附有《观苦盦日乘》、《钝盦生平所著书已刊未刊总目》二种。第二,致友人论词书,多见《词学季刊》,亦有《文字同盟》、《小雅》等刊。第三,词籍序跋。第四,《论词绝句》。各则序号为辑者所加。 Zhang Ertian(1874-1945), native to Qiantang(what is now Hangzhao), Zhejiang Province, has other names: Caitian, Mengqu, Dun'an, Dunkan, ChanShousheng, and Xuqiaocunren. He studied Buddhism in his early years, and was engrossed in Buddhism. He called himself Dun Jushi and Dunkan Jushi.(Jushi refers to a person who lives like a Buddhist monk, but stays at home.) His named his resident house Chanshouzhai, Zunshuxianshishi, Guanwoshengshi. Zhang Ertian is a famous scholar and historian, well-known for his works of Shiwei(History), Annotation on Chronicle of Yuxi's Life,Annotation on Mongolian History, Annotation on Secret History of Yuan Dynasty, and Academic Study on Qian Daxin. Zhang Ertian is also a famous ci poet, learning from Zhu zumo and Zheng Wenzhuo, and intimate with many ci poet in late Qing dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China. He wrote Dun'an Poems, a collection of ci poems. He made numerous comments on ci poetry, including some anecdotes and quotations of ci poets at the time, which become important literature of ci poetry history and criticism. Zhang's comments on ci poetry was not compiled into a monograph, and can be found in some journals, such as Ci Poetyr Quarter, Tongsheng Monthly, and Xia Chengtao's Diary of Learning Ci Poetry at Tianfen Pavilion. Zhang's 'Anecdotes of Modern Ci Poets' was published in Ci Poetry Quarter, with New Phrases in Poetry and Comment on Poetry at Fangfeifei Hall, which are all collected into Series of Art Comments by Professor Tang Guizhang.This article tries to compile Zhang Ertian's comments on ci poetry into Dun'an Comments on Poetry.Literature adopted can be traced from four categories: first, Zhang's Diary at Chanshouzhai, which are the study notes of his early years, existing in two versions, one with 369 pieces of diary, published in Fifth Issue, Volume Two, History Chonicle, 1938, and the other 182 pieces of manuscripts preserved by Classical Book Department of Nanjing Municipal Library; second, Zhang's letters on ci poetry to his friends, found in the journals like Ci Poetyr Quarter, Language Word Alliance, and Xiaoya; third,prefaces and postscripts of the poems; fourth, Comments on Poetry.
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《文学与文化》 2014年第1期103-118,共16页 Literature and Culture Studies
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