
来华传教士跨文化传教策略的现实意义 被引量:1

Practical Significance of Foreign Missionaries' Strategy of Cross-Cultural Missionary Work
摘要 作为西方文明的体现者和传播者,传教士在人类文化交流史上发挥了重要作用。明清时期大量西方传教士进入中国,他们苦学汉语,穿戴儒服,采取了融入中国主流文化、广交朋友、积极引介西方文化等策略,推进基督教在中国的传播。本文通过对西方传教士在华期间的跨文化传教策略的分析,深入探讨其对当前中国文化走出去的启示和意义,文章认为在当前宜采取本土化策略、隐性传播策略进行中国文化的海外传播。 Missionaries embodied and advocated western civilization around the world, playing an important role in cultural exchanges in human history. A large number of missionaries came to China during Ming and Qing dynasties. They studied the Chinese language and dressed in Chinese-style clothes, promoting Christianity in China through making friends with the Chinese people, introducing western culture into China, and integrating into Chinese mainstream culture. This article makes analysis on missionaries' strategy of cross-cultural missionary work in China, and discuss their influence on Chinese culture going out at present time. This article also maintains that it is better to implement localization strategy and tacit diffusion strategy for the popularity of Chinese culture around the world.
作者 李英姿
出处 《文学与文化》 2014年第2期119-125,共7页 Literature and Culture Studies
基金 教育部2010年度人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(项目编号:10YJC740061) 2014年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(项目编号:NK2XB1435)的阶段性成果
关键词 传教士 跨文化传教 策略 现实意义 Missionary Cross-Cultural Missionary Work Strategy Practical Significance
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