以青海省农林科学院试验田中的一块占地4 7hm2的农田为研究区,对该试验田内的92个观测点取样分析,测定土壤速效磷、速效钾、水解氮和有机质等养分含量。应用地统计学的方法对所测的数据进行了分析,绘制了四种养分的等值线图和三维图,直观的表征出田块养分分布特征。提出该地块平衡施肥方案与施肥建议。为精确农业的研究和发展提供了土壤地理信息方面的基础工作。
92 observing sample plots were made on a experiment field about 4.7 hectares of Qinghai Academy of Agriculture and Forestry in Xining.Olsen-P,K,hydrolysable N and organic were analysised and measured.4 nutrients isopleth and reticular graphs were plotted by statistics.The balance of fertilizer meths and fertilizer reconmendations were suggested for accurate applying manure and provide soil geographical informations base.
Science and Technology of Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry