武夷野姬蜂 Yezoceryx wuyiensis, 新种♀.褐色。额眼眶白色,触角、上顎的齿、后足股节基端、股节端部背方、胫节背方和跗节以及产卵管鞘暗褐色至黑色,前翅端部烟褐色(图一,3)。前翅长约16毫米。头部背面观如图一,1。脸密生刻点,中央具强的刻点横脊。唇基长约为宽的1/2,刻点稀疏。眼颚距约为上颚基宽的4/5。中胸侧板刻点微细至中等大小,但镜面区无刻点。肘间横脉与第二回脉相连。残脉长短不定,短者仅余痕迹。
The present paper gives the descriptions of four new species of the genus Yezoceryx Uchida from the Wuyishan Natural Reserve of Fujian province. Wi- thin this area, the well known type localities Guadun (Kua-tun) and Dazhulan (Ta-chu-lan) of many vertebrate animals and insects are located. Some impor- tant distinguishing characters of these four species are given in the following key as well as in the accompanying figures. Key to 4 new species of Yezoceryx 1.Brown, thorax and abdomen unmarked; ventral swelling of abdominal segment I in profile round and low (fig. I -2). .................................................................................................. ........................ Y. wuyiensis Chao, sp. nov. Thorax and abdomen marked with black or dark brown; ventral swelling of abdominal segment I in profile angularly elevated or hooked forward ............................................ 2 2. Middle band of flagellum and tip of ovipositor sheath light colored; mesopleurum with a very large black marking; basal area of propodeum inverted trapezoid, about as long as apically wide (fig. I-13); ventral swelling of abdominal segment I hooked forward (fig. Ⅱ-11). ........................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................Y. maculatus Chao, sp. nov. Flagellum and ovipositor sheath not as above; mesopleurum unmarked; basal area of propo- deum wider than long. .......................................................................................................... 3 3. Color marking as in fig. I-6; ventral swelling of abdominal segment I in profile angularly elevated. ........................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................Y. fui Chao, sp. nov. Vertex unmarked; ventral swelling of abdominal segment I in profile hooked forward (fig. Ⅱ-9). ....................................................................................Y. monticola Chao, sp. nov. Yezoceryx wuyiensis Chao, sp. nov. Holotype: ♀, Jianyang xian, Dazhulan, 1963. vii. 11, Zhang Zhencai. Allo- type: (?), same locality, 1965. Vii. 19, Chen Jiahua. Paratypes: 2♀, same data as holotype; 1♀, 9♀, same data as allotype; 1♀, same data of location, 1980. vi. 28, Huang Juchang. Type Catalogue No. 001, deposited in the Laboratory of Biological Control Fujian Agricultural College. Yezoceryx fui Chao, sp. nov. Holotype: ♀, Jianyang xian, Dazhulan, 1945. vii. 10-19, Fu Chongxian (for- merly as Joseph Fu). Type Catalogue: No. 002, deposited in the, Laboratory of Biological Control of Fujian Agricultural College. Yezoceryx monticola Chao, sp. nov. Holotype: ♀, Chongan xian, Xincun commune, Qiliqiao, 1960. vii. 19, Pu Fuji, deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. Yezoceryx maculatus Chao, sp. nov. Holotype: ♀, Jianyang xian, Huangkeng commune, Aotou, Daoshui, 1980. vl. 25, Xu Jianfei. Type Catalogue No. 003, deposited in the Laboratory of Biological Control of Fujian Agricultural College.
Wuyi Science Journal