
枝腺科(Lecithodendriidae Odhner)吸虫一新属新种 被引量:2

摘要 本种吸虫的标本系上海第一医学院叶英教授生前赠送的。本种吸虫寄生在猕猴 Macacamulatta mulatta Zimmer.肠内。猕猴系我国南方普通猴类,据以往的报告,广布于横断山脉以东、秦岭以南的地区。据文焕然等(1981)的研究报告,地方志、物产志的记载以及实地调查,知道我国境内猕猴的分布可达到陕甘秦岭以北北纬40°或稍北的地区。在福建省建阳地区以往也有猴群。 A single specimen of trematode parasite was obtained in post-mortem exa- mination of a monkey,Macaca mulatta mulatta Zimmermann (Cercopithecidae) in Shanghai.Morphological studies revealed that the worm is new to science and the name Pithecotrema kelloggi gen.and sp.nov.is proposed in honor of the late Prof.Claude R.Kellogg of former Fukien Christian University,who taught zoology and entomology in Fukien for more than three decades. Description:Body pyriform with concave posterior end.Length 2.071mm Greatest body width 1.42mm.Oral sucker subterminal,0.209mm in diameter. Ventral sucker larger than oral sucker,0.275 by 0.288mm in diameter.Pharynx round,0.088mm in both verticle and transverse diameter.Oesophagus short, intestinal ceca short.Testes oval to round,symmetrical,postacetabular,lying on equatorial level.Right testis 0.589 by 0.497mm,left testis 0.513 by 0.456mm. Vas efferens commence from inner anterior margin of both testes,passing for- ward over acetabulum uniting to form a short vasa deferentia.Cirrus pouch large,claviform,measuring 0.969mm long and 0.285mm wide,lying in anter- ior part of body in front of acetabulum,and bending characteristically in its middle portion.It contains a coiled seminal vesicle,a pars prostatica with glands on both sides and the ejaculatory duct.Male and female genital pores situated on left lateral margin of body at the level of intestinal bifurcation. Ovary irregularly lobed,right to acetabulum,0.361 by 0.247mm in diameter. Seminal receptacle not observed.Mehlis gland region dorsal to ventral sucker. Vitellaria consisting of two groups of acini,distributed unequally on both sides. On the right side it extends from level of pharynx to testis,on the left lying posteriorly to the genital pore.Transverse vitelline duct meet medially to form the common duct dorsal to acetabulum.Uterine coils,occupying most of the hind body,extending anteriorly as far as the testes.Metraterm muscular,lying horizontally in front of cirrus pouch,Female genital pore anterior to male.Eggs oval,thin-shelled,measuring 0.020-0.027 by 0.011-0.013mm.
机构地区 厦门大学
出处 《武夷科学》 1982年第1期60-64,共5页 Wuyi Science Journal
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  • 9Palmieri J R, Krishnasamy M. Phaneropsolus aspinosussp. n. ( Lecithodendriidae : Phaneropsolinae) from theleaf monkey,Macaca fascicularia ( Raffles). Journal ofHelminthology, 1978,52(2) : 155 - 158.
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