睡鼠科(Muscardinidae)的山刺鼠亚科(Platacanthomyinae)仅见于东洋区,系特化的啮齿动物,迄今只有两属,即山刺鼠属(Platacanthomys)和猪尾鼠属(Thphlomys),这两属各仅有一种。山刺鼠属分布于印度南部。猪尾鼠属有两个亚种:猪尾鼠指名亚种(T.cinereus cinereus)分布于福建西北隅;猪尾鼠沙巴亚种(T.cinereus chapensis)
This paper gives a redescription and a note on a preliminary survey of the ecology of the 'Pig-tail Rat' nominate race,Typhlomys cinereus cinereus Milne- Edward,1877,which has heretofore been known only from its type locality Guadun (Kuatun) in the Wuyishan Nature Reserve of northwestern Fujian.It lives in the region 800-1200m.above sea level and burrows in deep tunnel in the soil under rocks on hill slopes covered with bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and woods (Pinus massoniana,Cunninghamia lanceolata,Castanopsis eyrei,etc.)with reduced sunlight and high humidity.The population density of this rat was low as indicated by the average rate of only 0.096% caught by traps in a 3-year period of survey.
Wuyi Science Journal