作者于1953至1955年连续发表5篇论文,叫做《中国棍腹蜻蜒分类的研究》。文中将Gomphidae 译作棍腹蜻蜒科,因为希腊文 gomphos 为棍棒之意,又因'棍腹'二字读音与 gomphus 读音接近。这个译名未被广泛接受使用。后来作者采用'箭蜒'二字。这个名称在国内广为使用,但作者对'箭'字并不满意。近来见到《台湾蜻蜒目目录》一书中,译作'春蜒科',这个名称已被广泛地在台湾的蜻蜒论著中使用。
Needham(1931)described a new genus and species Labrogomphus torvus which was based on a single female specimen collected from Hainan Island. Chao(1954)made a redeseriptioa of the female together with its nymph on suppostion collected from Shaowu city in Fujian province.The female speci- men from Shaowu had been compared with the type specimen deposited at Cornell University.The present paper gives a report on the discovery of both sexes reared from nymphs collected from Shaowu city.The male is herein fully described and well illustrated.Since the anal triangle of the fore wing in the male,the male anal appendages and the copulatory organs on the second ab- dominal segment are of typical Gomphus type,it is considered that Labrogom- phus is a member of the Gomphus-complex which consists of such genera as Gomphus Leach(1815),Stylurus Needham(1897),Gastrogomphus Needham (1941),Trigomphus Bartenef(1912)and Fukienogomphus Chao(1954) of the subfamily Gomphinae(sensu Chao,1984)found in China.However, the 3-celled anal loop in the fore wing of the male of this species,which is most commonly found in Onyehogomphinae(Chao,1984),is an aberrant character not found in any other member of the Gomphus-complex in China. Specimens studied:3(?),3♀♀,reared from nymphs collected from Shaowu city in Fujian province,among which 1(?)is the Allotype,depos- ited in the Insect Colleetionof the Biological Control Research Institute of Fujian Agricultural College.Type Cat.No.028.Most nymphs were living among the debris in the water under a big tree on the bank of a small river running along the southern suburb of Shaowu city.
Wuyi Science Journal