柯氏许壳绦虫 Hsüolepis crawfordi(Baylis,1927)是人畜共患的寄生虫病原,它不仅危害家猪的生长发育,甚至侵袭人体,产生疾病。本虫最早是 Baylis(1927)在斯里兰卡野猪中发现,后来在印度家猪(Mudaliar and Iyer,1938)和日本野猪(Hatsushika,et al,1977)体内也找到。此虫在国内已知在八个省有寄生家猪的报道。安耕九(1956)和杨平等(1957)在甘肃兰州、梁铭球等(1963)在陕西西安等屠宰场家猪中发现绦虫,
During 1976—1981,a survey on the disease of Hs(?)olepis crawfordi(Bay- lis)in domestic swine was carried out in Fujian.190 out of 1,240 pigs tested by fecal examinations were found infected with H.crawfordi from 9 brig- ades in five communities in four districts,and the infected rates varied from 3.7% to 50%,with an average of 15.2%.Among 190 positive pigs,174 of them(91.6%)were from Yongdin endemic area.Of those 178 positives with age and sex recorded,it was found’that the majority of the infected pigs(67.9%)belonged to 3—7 month group,and seemed to have no dif- ference in rates of infection between male and female.Post-mortem examin- ations were also made on 11 infected pigs slaughtered,and 167 adults of H. crawfordi were obtained from the small intestine,and the number of cestodes per pig varied from 1 to 42 with an average of 15.2.The clinical symptoms of these cases generally showed weakness,poor development and deadlocked growth.The pathologic features appeared with hyperaemia of mucosa, intussusception and intestinal ulcer. In the endemic area of Yongdin district,the wild pig,Sus crawfordi,rev- ealed the infection of H.crawfordi in first time from China.The morphology of the adults of both domestic and wild swine were carefully studied and compared with those of the related species,such as H.shengi,H.shensiensis from China and Pseudctnoplocephala crawfordi from Sri Lanka.Based on the results of morphological studies,the authors consider that there are no sig- nificant differences between such cestodes and believe them to be the same species.Owing to the fact of this cestode in a mistaken nomination for anoplocephalate species,the genus Pseudctnoplocephala proposed by Baylis (1927)had been replaced by the new genus Hs(?)olepis given by Yang et al (1957).Therefore,the authors suggest that the scientific name of this pig cestode should be revised as Hs(?)olepis crawfordi(Baylis,1927)Yang et al, 1957.
Wuyi Science Journal