裸蒴苔科 Haplomitriaceae 是苔纲 Hepaticae 中一个较原始的科,它的分类位置一直是人们关注的一个问题。崛川芳雄于1934年报告圆叶美苔 Calobryum rotundifolium(Mi-tten)Schiffn.发现于台湾的玉山和知本山。这是该科植物在我国的首次记录。嗣后赵修谦(1943)报道圆叶美苔产于我国大陆的长汀,并对它作了描述;陈邦杰(1958)
Haplomitriaceae is a primitive family of Hepaticae.It distributes in south and southwest China,south of 30~0N Lat.and east of 102~0 ELong.Prcvi- ously Horikawa(1934)recorded a species which he called Calobryum rotund- ifolium in Taiwan.Later,Chao(1943)reported the same species for the first time from China's Mainland in the western part of Fujian province.Chen (1958)discussed in detail its distribution in China. In this paper,a report on a general survey of Haplomitriaceae in Fu- jian is given.It has been found that Haplomitrium mnioides(=Calobryum rotundifolium),which had been reported from Hainan Island of Guangdong province,Cuangxi and Siehuan provinces,is very common in the Wuyishan Nature Reserve.It had also been collectcd from Chongan xian.Haplomitrium blumii collected from the Wuyishan Nature Reserve is a new record for China.A new variety is briefly diagnosed as follows: Haplomitrium mnioides(Lindb.)Schust.var.delicatum Gao et.Li,var. nov. Planta delicata,ad 3.5 cm longa,folia 3 verticillata,2-4 verticillis ad apicem plantae,lateralis obeuneata,antica parvula. Collected at Hongdu,720-750m,Wuyishan Nature Reserve,November 1983,C.H.Cao leg.,25029,on wet surface of rock in a small ravine,grow- ing in dense patches mixed with Pumortiera hirsuta,Heteroscyphus sp.and Philonotis sp.Type specimen preserved inShanghai Museum of Natural His- tory.
Wuyi Science Journal