1985年6月,我们在福建省武夷山自然保护区进行花卉资源考察时,在黄岗山海拔1870米的山地上,发现一种珍稀的兰科腐生植物——宽距兰 Yoania japonica Maxim.)。这种兰科植物为无叶腐生兰,整个植株呈淡紫红色,地下茎肉质分枝,花茎粗长,花数朵成总状花序;花中等大小,中萼片呈阔椭圆形,长约2.5厘米,宽约1.3厘米,侧萼片卵形,长约3.0厘米,最宽处约1.4厘米;花瓣阔卵形,长约2.1厘米,最宽处约1.4厘米;唇瓣船形。
The present paper gives a report on the occurence of Yoania japonica Maxim.collected on Huang-gang Mountain at 1870 m of the Wuyishan Na- tare Reserve in Fujian Province.This species is recorded for the first time from China.The distribution of the three species and one variety known of the Genus Yocania are also indicated.They are:Yoania amagiensis Nakai & F.Mack.(Japan),Y.japonica Maxim.(Japan;Wuyishan in.Fujian of China),Y.japonica Maxim var.squamipes Fukuyama(Taiwan Province of China)and Y.prainii King et Panth.(India;Sikkim-Himalaya.)
Wuyi Science Journal