一、前言中国水仙(Narcissus tazetta L.var chinensis Roem.),主要分布在我国福建、台湾、江苏和浙江等省,也产于日本与朝鲜。关于水仙属的研究,在细胞、生理、生化、园艺以及遗传育种等方面,国内外作了许多研究,在形态学方面,Chen(1969)、Dunlop 和 Schmidt(1964)、Kamae(1968)、Preece 和 Morrison(1963)、钟衡(1984)等人有一些报导,但对于中国水仙叶表皮的构造和气孔器的发育迄今未见报导。为此作者在这方面做了研究,结果如下。
The epidermis of the leaf of Chinese Sacred Lily consists of a single layer of cells which include epidermal cells and stomatal apparatuses,both of them are formed from protodermal cell unequal division.The epidermal cells at the base of young leaf are almost polyhedral in shape,and are closely arranged in rows in which there are no intercellular spaces.They are smooth walled,with large nuclei and dense cytoplasm and small vacuoles. However,the epidermal cells in the matured leaves are rectangular. Their nuclei are also prominent,but cytoplasm thinner,vacuoles larger and plastids do not differentiate into chloroplasts.The outer wall of the cell is covered with a layer of cuticular membrane which appears wrinkly or granularly under scanning electron microscope. Stomatal apparatuses are found on both upper and lower surfaces of the leaf.They consist of a pair of kidney-shaped guard cells surrounding a por- al lacuna,without subsidiary cell.Anatomically,the process of development of the stomatal apparatus may be divided into four stages:(1)the formation of the guard mother cell;(2)the division of the guard mother cell; (3)the appearance of the young stomatal apparatus;(4)the maturation of the apparatus.
Wuyi Science Journal