胡经甫《中国昆虫目录》(1935)一书记载,分布于福建的龟蝽科昆虫仅1种,为大华龟蝽 Tarichea chinensis Dall.,采地福州,同蝽、异蝽科则无一种。肖采瑜等《中国蝽类昆虫鉴定手册》第一册(科学出版社,1977)(以下简称肖书)一书记栽,分布于福建的有:龟蝽科22种,同蝽科15种,异蝽科13种。这些种类已在赵修复(1981)的《福建省昆虫名录》中收录。近年来,我们查看了福建农学院植保系、福建林学院、福建省林业厅、南开大学生物系和中国科学院动物研究所等单位所馆藏的福建龟蝽、同蝽、异蝽科昆虫标本,共鉴定出64种。另有异蝽3种,系马骏超教授所定名,作者等未见标本,以上合计67种,分隶于龟蝽科34种,同蝽科20种,异蝽科13种,其中有18种系福建省新记录,计有龟蝽利12种,同蝽科6种。为节省篇幅,凡《福建省昆虫名录》中已有记载的种类,本文不再重复列举。根据已知的67种,本文就这三个科的区系结构,作分析讨论于下。
The present paper deals with the records and faunal features of Pla- taspid,Acanthosomatid and Urostylid bugs collected in Fujian province. The names of 67 species of insects belonging to these three families are given.The types of fauna of the insects and the percentages of each type are indicated.The geographical region to which each species belongs is discussed. There are more than 17 species of Plataspid,Acanthosomatid and Uros- tytid bugs collectcd in Fujian,as compared with the records in the Handbook for the Determination of the Chinese Hemiptera-Heteroptera,volume I,by Hsiao et al.They are all new records of Fujian,Among them,79.11% of fhe total number belong to the Oriental region.This percentage is very close to that of Pentatomid bugs which we analysed before and published in the same Wuyi Science Journal,vol.4,in 1984.
Wuyi Science Journal