寄生于脊椎功物的棘头虫 Acanthocephala(RudoIphi,1808),作者(1966,1980,1981)曾先后作过报告。近年来作者在福建各地又采得一些标本,经鉴定有14种,其中有3新种,3种未定种。兹记述如下。模式标本保存福建师范大学寄生动物研究室。
14 species of Aeanthocephala were collected from vertebrates in Fujian, among which 3 are considered as new to science and 2 are near records from China.Type specimens are deposited in the Parasitological Research Laboratory,Fujian Teachers University.The diagnoses of the new species are as follows: 1、Acanthosentis lizae,sp.nov.(fig.3) Habitat:Intestine of Liza carrianatus This new species differs from the closely related A.cameroni Gupta et Kajajr,1960 mainly in the body covered with 15-19 circles of cuticle spines, which in anterior part from 15 ring,then farther back are confind to ventral side,tips of proboscis hooks of terminal circle shorter(30—35μ in male, 28—30μ in female),and lemnisci unequal in length. 2、Gorgorhynchoides epinepheli,sp.nov.(fig.4) Haditat:Intestine of Epinephelus awoara. This species differs from the closely related G.elongatus Cable et Lin- deroth,1983 mainly in the proboscis being armed with 26—28 longitudinal rows of 16 hooks each,anterior 6 hooks in each row large,with long strong roots,remaining spines rootless. 3、Centrorhynchus pycnonoti,sp.nov.(fig.8) Habitat:Intestine of Pycnonotus s.sinensis. This species differs from the closely related C.aluconis(Muller,1980) mainly in the proboscis being armed with 30—32 spiral rows of 14—15 hooks each,the first 5 hooks in each row with long,strong roots,longer prob- oscis sheath,shorter lemnisci and larger ova(50—54×26—28 μ as against 42×20μ).
Wuyi Science Journal