无线局域网MAC层DOS攻击是很容易发起的,传统的方法并不能很好的除掉这些攻击源。为了检测并解决MAC层的这几种DOS攻击,提出利用无线节点的接收信号强度(RSS)来对攻击者进行检测并定位,RSS是一种与无线节点空间位置相关且很难被伪造的物理属性。我们的模型是通过改进的凝聚层次聚类分析的算法模型来对攻击进行检测,并通过路径损耗模型和指纹数据库模型相结合的方法来对攻击者进行定位。在一个真实的办公楼里,我们通过IEEE 802.11网络条件下的测试平台评估了我们的模型,实验结果表明我们的攻击检测模型可以对基于MAC层的DOS攻击进行检测并定位,并能达到可观的精度。
MAC layer DOS attacks can be easily launched in wireless LAN. The source of the attack cannot be well eradicated by exploiting the traditional approach. In order to detect and resolve these MAC layer DOS attacks,we propose the received signal strength( RSS) of wireless node to detect and locate the attacker. RSS is a measurement that is hard to forge arbitrarily and it is highly correlated to the transmitter's location. With the method proposed here we can detect attackers by improving cohesion hierarchical clustering analysis algorithm model,and locate the attackers by the combined method of path loss model and fingerprint database model. We evaluated our technology by IEEE 802. 11 testbed in a real office building. Experimental results show that our proposed models can achieve considerable accuracy when detecting and locating MAC layer DOS attackers.
Wireless Communication Technology