
大学非英语专业学生英语语素习得阶段研究——一项基于习得标准率基础上的研究 被引量:2

The Stages of Morphem Acquisition of Non-English Major Students:A Study Based on the Acquisition Criterion
摘要 本研究通过准确率标准和初现率标准这两种习得标准,利用非英语专业学生的英语活动录音的实证分析了影响大学英语学生三种语素的习得阶段。研究结果表明,对于非英语专业学生,语素的习得已有了"初现点",并且已进入了Pienemann所设定的习得阶段,但研究发现传统非英语专业学生的教学方法却未能体现其阶段的要求。研究结果对非英语专业大学英语的课堂活动安排有一定的指导意义,并可在其基础上进一步研究非英语专业学生习得句法的阶段。 This study aims at analyzing the acquisition stages of three morphemes produced by university non-English major students from the sound-recording and transcripts of English activity according to the theory of Accuracy Criterion and Emergency Criterion.The finding indicates that the acquisition of morpheme for non-English major students has had "emergence point" and entered the acquisition stage hypothesized by Pienemann in 1998.The research shows that the traditional way of teaching English for non-English major students do not evolve as the requirement of its stage.The results of this study have some insights for conducting classroom activities for university English teaching.And it will also be meaningful to undertake further research on the acquisition stages of syntax produced by non-English major students based on this study.
作者 滕锋
机构地区 邕江大学英语系
出处 《外语艺术教育研究》 2010年第3期47-52,共6页 Educational Research on Foreign Languages and Arts
关键词 习得标准率 语素习得 习得阶段 Acquisition Criterion morpheme acquisition acquisition stage
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