1The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education,Standards for the Professional Development Schools, 2001.
2Holmes Group , Tomorrow's Schools, 1990. East' Lansing, MI:Author.
3U S Department of Education,Promising Practices: New Ways to Improve Teacher Quality, September 1998.
4John Sikula, Thomas J.Buttery, Edith Guylon, Handbook of Research on Teacher Education.Simon & Schuster Macmillan , 1996.
5Schverak, Amy., Coltharp,Crystal. Cooner, Donna. Using content analysis to evaluate the success of a professional development school.The Educational Forum v, 62 (Winter 1998).
6Marsha Levine; Roberta Trachtman, Making Professional Development Schools Work: Politics,Practice, and Policy[M]. Teachers College Press, 1997.
7The National Commission on Teaching & America's Future, What Matters Most:Teaching For America's Future, September 1996.