在 476名严重环境铅暴露儿童中 ,研究了维生素D受体基因Bsm1位点多态性对血铅、锌原卟啉、头围、身高和体重等指标的影响。使用协方差分析校正了年龄、性别、父母文化程度和血铅等影响因素后 ,具有B等位基因儿童的头围明显大于bb基因型个体 (P =0 0 2 ) ;分层分析发现在高血铅组和男性组中Bsm1多态性明显影响头围 (P <0 0 5)。未发现Bsm1位点多态性对血铅、锌原卟啉、身高和体重的明显影响。结果表明 ,VDR基因Bsm1位点的遗传变异可修饰严重铅暴露条件下铅对儿童颅骨发育的影响。
The associations of the Bsm1 polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene a nd blood lead, zinc protoporphyrin and physical development in 476 environmental lead\|exposed children were studied. After blood lead level, age, sex and educa ti on level of the patients were adjusted by analysis of covariance, the children w ith B allele had larger head circumference than those with bb genotype( P =0 02). While the subjects were stratified by blood lead level and sex, the statistica lly significant difference in head circumference between different Bsm1 genotype s was found only in high-blood-lead subgroup and in male subgroup. No signific an t influence of Bsm1 polymorphism on blood lead level, zinc protoporphyrin, heigh t and weight was found, suggesting that the Bsm1 polymorphism of VDR gene may mo dify the effect of lead on the skull development of children highly exposed to l ead.
Journal of Hygiene Research
国家九五科技攻关项目(No .96 92 0 2 6 0 3)
国家自然科学基金项目(No . 39770 6 40 )