阐述了CAE模拟技术在气体辅助注射成型模具设计过程中的重要意义 ;介绍了气体辅助注射成型充填流动分析及保压分析中塑料熔体所遵循的数学模型和粘度参数模型 ,并介绍了在粘性流体力学基础上对数学模型进行了合理的简化和假设的方法 ;运用CAE软件C MOLD对汽车保险杠模具结构设计及成型工艺条件进行了气辅注射成型模拟分析 ,优化了气体充填成型工艺和充填效果 ,改善了制品表面质量和力学性能 。
The CAE technology is very important in the design of the gas assisted injection mold. The models of the viscous and mathematics when the melt fluids in the mold cavity during filling and pressure was hold during the pack process were described. The way that the mathematics model was reasonable predigested was introduced. The gas assisted molding for the automobile bumper mold was simulated by C MOLD which is one of the CAE software. The effect and process of the gas filling were optimized. The appeal quality and the dynamic capacity were improved and the proportion of the first try was increased.
Polymer Bulletin