天降大任 人才的匮乏,已经成为制约我国软件产业发展的一个瓶颈。 目前,我国软件行业的从业人员为40多万人。2005年我国软件销售额要达到2500亿元,软件从业人员应达80万人。人才缺口40万。 而另一组统计数字显示,截止到目前全国共有400多所院校开设计算机专业,有超过127万的计算机专业在校学生,而这些人中99%学的都是软件专业。
Dec. 3,2001 gave the birth of 35 model software institutions. From this day, they began to shoulder two tasks: breeding seed talents of software fields for the construction of information foundation in our country and exploring a new way for the reformation of high education in our country. Software institutions' construction should be a breakthrough for high education reformation. This will be a try-and-know in setting model, teaching methods and cooperation with enterprises and will offer us much experience about it. Reporter of CHINA DISTANT EDUCATION visited many deans of software institutions and give a panorama of this affair.(See Page34)
Chinese Journal of Distance Education