西方学术界在是否存在全球化问题上 ,分为“怀疑论”和“全球主义”两大对立阵营。“怀疑论者”认为 :目前所谓的“全球”经济是虚构的 ,由民族—国家为主体的国际政治体系也并没有因全球化而发生任何本质的变化 ,并且人类社会根本没有出现什么全球文明或全球文化。“全球主义者”则认为 :当代的世界经济已经从国际经济发展成为全球经济 ,同时全球化已经导致民族—国家独立自主地处理国内和国际事务能力的下降 ,某种全球政治体系已开始产生 ,并且不论愿意与否 ,全球化已经带来某种超越民族和传统文明集团的世界文化。我们不应将西方有关全球化的理论话语与自由主义、现实主义和马克思主义等理论相混淆。
Up to now there are two opposite views - 'globalists' and 'sceptists' - in the Western academic circle in terms of the study of the globalization.According to the sceptists,the global economy isn't different from the international economy existed in the previous periods,the international political system is still dominated by the sovereign nation-states,and the so-called global cultural is just a fake one.On the contrary,the globalists argue that not only the economic globalisation is very real,but that its consequences can be felt everywhere in the international political area and global culture field as well.The debate between the globalists and the sceptists does not map directly on to the traditional ideological positions or worldviews and the fact of this academic phenomenon reflects that the globalization seems a new development in the world history and the globalists argument is more persuasive.
World History