纵观《大学文艺学的学科反思》全文 ,可知陶东风教授对大学文艺学的批评与建设有着独到且富于启发意义的个人见解。然而 ,不难看出 ,在批评大学文艺学时 ,陶东风教授经常背离了实事求是的原则———或没有事实根据就随意断论 ,或未作具体分析便批评指责 ,或为了自圆其说而削足适履 ,或不作逻辑推导而任意发挥 ,或将较为复杂的问题简单化。的确 ,几十年来的中国大学文艺学远未尽如人意 ,故对其进行学科反思不但可以而且极其必需。不过 ,应该看到 ,对既有的大学文艺学成果持客观公允的态度 ,是最有效的学科反思的前提。
On the whole,Prof TAO Dong_feng's article entitled A Disciplinary Introspection about the College Course of Literature and Art seems to be both constructive and inspiring.Upon close examination,however,one can feel that Prof TAO always adhered to some unpractical principle,made ungrounded accusations,sometimes without any logical derivation;leveled criticism without making concrete analysis;attempted to justify himself by cutting off toes to suit the shoes;or dealt with complicated problems in an over-simplified way.As a mater of fact,the college course of literary and art has been far from being satisfactory over a few decades and it is not only feasible but also imperative to make a disciplinary introspection, but this should be based on an objective and fair attitude towards the positive results attained by the discipline under discussion.
Journal of Shantou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
academic criticism
a college course of literature and art
disciplinary introspection