

SWOT Analysis of Chinese Enterprises' Direct Investment Abroad
摘要 目前经济全球化日益加快,这对我国企业海外直接投资既是机遇又是挑战,但我国对外直接投资数量有限,达不到利用两种资源和两个市场的目的。本文利用SWOT分析法对我国企业海外投资所具有的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁四种因素进行了分析,提出:国内企业必须转变观念,坚持"走出去战略";在投资区域选择上,应根据本身实力及东道国投资环境,适时选择不同国家进行投资,以确保投资成功;应采取灵活多样的投资方式;重视人才队伍建设;海外公司应该实行当地化经营策略;政府应采取多项措施鼓励有实力企业"走出去"。 The economic globalization is not only an opportunity but also a challenge to our enterprises' direct investment abroad. Chinese enterprises' direct investment is very limited and the situation causes that the enterprises don't take advantage of two kinds of sources and markets. The paper uses the SWOT method to analyze our enterprises' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then the author puts forward his propositions. Our enterprises must change their intentions and insist on the strategy of 'Going Abroad'. The enterprises should choose different districts such as the southeast countries and other circumjacent countries including Mid-Asia, Africa, East-Europe, America, Japan and the developed countries in Europe to invest according to their strength and the environment. The investment modes must be flexible. At the same time, we must pay attention to human resource development. The branch enterprises must adopt the management strategies according to the local circumstances. Our government should take various measures to encourage our enterprises to go abroad.
作者 徐英吉
出处 《青岛职业技术学院学报》 2003年第4期8-11,共4页 Journal of Qingdao Technical College
关键词 中国 企业 对外直接投资 SWOT 比较优势 direct investment abroad SWOT analysis method comparative strengths
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