现行刑法中规定了一系列的连累犯 ,从表面上看此类犯罪的实行行为类似于某种犯罪的帮助行为 ,应以共犯论处。其实不然 ,连累犯虽与共同犯罪有一定程度的联系 ,却存在着质的差别 ,应区别对待。
A series of involved offenders are stipulated in current criminal law. To outward seeming, the act of perpetrating of this kind of crime is analogous to the aiding act of certain crime, and should be punished as an accomplice. In fact that is not the case. Although involved offenders have certain connection with complicity, but there is difference in their natures, and we should extend different treatment to them.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law