目的 观察不同来源的嗜肺巴氏杆菌在实验大鼠和小鼠中的传染性。方法 取源于野鼠、实验大鼠和小鼠的嗜肺巴氏杆菌 3株 ,对 30只受试大鼠和小鼠进行交叉人工感染 ,并于感染后不同时期取咽拭子分离培养 ,对感染前后菌株 ,应用RAPD_PCR、SDS_PAGE和Westernblot进行基因型、蛋白和抗原成份比较 ,以及生物学特性的比较。结果 受试实验动物对 3株嗜肺巴氏杆菌均易感 ,被接种的动物能稳定携带嗜肺巴氏杆菌直到试验结束 ,重新分离的嗜肺巴氏杆菌在生物学特性、蛋白成份、抗原性和基因型方面无明显改变。结论 同一株嗜肺巴氏杆菌能在实验大鼠和小鼠中相互传染。
Objective To study the infectivity of Pasteurella pneumotropica (P.pneumotropica) from different sources between laboratory rats and mice. Methods 30 laboratory rats and mice were inoculated with 3 %P.pneumotropica% isolates from rats, mice and wild mice, to compare the biologic characteristics, by SDS_PAGE, Western blot and RAPD_PCR, of the 3 isolates at different days of post_inoculation with that before inoculation. Results Laboratory rats and mice were infected easily by 3 %P.pneumotropica% isolates, which were carried in them until the end of the test (4w). lsolates reobtained from post_inoculated animals had no difference distinctly in biologic characteristic, protein component, antigenic bands and genotype. Conclusion The same isolate of %P.pneumotropica% can infect both laboratory rats and mice.
Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
北京市科委实验动物科学专项基金资助 (编号95 3 9912 0 0 )