本小说为海明威短篇中的名篇之一 ,情节简单而富有戏剧性 ,并按时间先后叙述 ,但其主题却是每一个普通人所经常可能遇到的 :抉择 (choice)。小说语言简洁 ,正文部分是大篇直白的对话 ,简单的情节和对话揭示的是我们每个人都必须面对的问题 ,发人深思。本文通过对《白象似的山峦》的分析 ,旨在让读者对海明威及其作品有进一步的认识。
Hills Like White Elephants” is one of Hemingway's may or short novels. There is a simple plot but of dramatic elements, narrated by time order. Anyway met by any of us its motif is:choice. Te language adopted in this novel is not comples with its body full of large proportion of dialogs. The simple plot and dialogs ard well arranged, under which the problems are of universe and thought-provoking. Analysis in this essay may lead the readers to a fuller understanding of Heming way and his works.
Journal of Urumqi Vocational University