《围城》中大量外语词汇的使用有着内在的审美作用 ;主要体现在揭示小说主题、刻画人物性格、表现人物情感空间、表明作者态度、追求一种真实感等五个方面。这种独特的艺术创作方法的成功有着主、客观方面的原因。文中外语词汇的运用符合特定的叙述环境、特殊的描写对象 ,同时作者深厚的文化修养也为此奠定了坚实的基础。
The use of foreign vocabulary in “Besieged City” embodies the aesthetic effect. It reflects in five aspects as following: dislosing the subject of the novel; depicting the characters of people; displaying the feeling of people; indicating the attitude of the author; expressing the true feeling. The success of specific technique concludes subjective and objective reasons. The use of foreign vocabulary conforms to the specific narrative environment, descriptive objects, at the same time the literary training of the author lays a solid foundation for it.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education