我国加入WTO后 ,每一位国民和培养国民的教育既可获得更好的生存环境和发展机遇 ,同时也将面临全球化的残酷的竞争。为了让每一位国民和培养国民的教育在入世的“双刃”环境下趋利避害 ,谋求发展 ,就必须根据入世的要求 ,进一步加强素质教育。本文着重论述了入世后 ,加强素质教育的必要性。
After China joined the WTO, all people and the national education system can both exist in a better environment for developement and opportunity, but they will also face increased global competition. The WTO is a double-edge sword for China, in order to improve living standards and national education we need to share the advantages of these changes while avoiding possible disadvantages, we must make the developement according to the requirement of WTO, enhancing qualification-oriented educatioin.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education