多年来 ,中央银行不断推进货币政策改革 ,以适应日益发展的市场经济的需要 ,成就瞩目。然而 ,我国已加入WTO ,对外对内日益开放 ,市场经济改革深入发展 ,货币政策机制的不尽完善、缺陷日显;同时 ,近年来我国实施积极的财政政策和稳键的货币政策 ,目前市场资金充足 ,货币利率低廉 ,人民币汇率稳定 ,经济稳定快速增长 ,这为我国进一步改革货币政策机制提供了良好的宏观环境 ,我们应不失时机地抓住机遇 ,推进货币政策机制改革。
In recent years,to meet the need of the increasingly developing market economy,the People's Bank of China,the central bank,has implemented a series of currencypolicies and made remarkable achievements.Nonetheless,the current policy systemis by no way perfect especially when encountered with the dramatically developing reform in market economy and open door policy after china's accession to WTO.On the other hand,after years of active financial policy and steady currency policy,China nowenjoys an ample capital market,lowinterest rates,stable exchange rates and a stable but fast economic growth,all of which provide a sound environment for eliminating drawbacks of the current currency policy system.No opportunity available for further reform in currency policy system should be missed.
Journal of Nantong Vocational University