托马斯·哈代是英国杰出的批判现实主义作家 ,他创作的“威塞克斯小说”深刻地反映了19世纪后半叶资本主义入侵英国农村后,社会经济、政治、道德、风俗等方面的变化以及小农破产后的悲惨命运。本文试从作家如何通过叙述“命运悲剧———性格悲剧———社会悲剧”的发展过程 ,以及如何利用独特的传统与现代的糅和、景物描写等艺术手段 ,来揭示威塞克斯小说悲剧性主题。
Thomas Hardy is a famous British writer of critical realism.His work,'Wessex'reflects the changes of social economy,politics,morals and social customs and the wretched fate of peasants after bankrupcy in the countryside when the capitalism invaded there in later19th century.This paper tells how the writer narrate the development of the plot from tragedy of fate,tragedy of personality to tragedy of the society.Italso shows howthe author combine the traditional style with the modern style,howhe takes advantage of the method of describing scenery to disclose the tragic theme.
Journal of Nantong Vocational University