20世纪 90年代以来 ,世界著名跨国石油石化公司在华进行投资布局 ,且呈现出投资步伐加快 ,投资力度加大 ,投资领域拓宽的态势。跨国石油石化公司进军中国市场策略的宗旨是凭借其资金、技术、营销等方面的优势 ,先进入市场、再抢占拓展市场 ,最后影响和控制市场。在此指导下 ,其对华策略呈现出由间接向直接、由局部到全面的变化特点。如何应对跨国公司的大举进入 ,将是中国企业面临的严峻挑战。
The world famous multinational petrochemical companies have begun their investment layout since the 1990’s, and have showed a tendency of accelerating investment progress, increasing investment power, and broadening investment fields. The principle of their strategy is relying on their superiority in capital, technology, and marketing, enter the market first, then occupy and develop the market, and affect and control the market eventually. Under the guidance of this principle, their strategy to Chinese shows a feature of changing from indirectness to directness, and from part to whole. How to meet the marching of multinational companies will be a rigorous challenge faced with Chinese enterprises.
Techno-Economics in Petrochemicals