目的采用反相高效液相色谱法测定复方大青叶注射液中大黄素和大黄素甲醚的含量。方法将样品加酸水解后进行分离分析。采用KromasilC8(5 μm,4 6mm× 2 0 0mm)色谱柱 ,流动相为甲醇 水 冰醋酸 (V∶V∶V =80∶2 0∶0 4) ,流速为 0 8mL·min-1,检测波长为 440nm。结果大黄素平均回收率为 97 9% ,RSD为 1 7% ;大黄素甲醚平均回收率为 1 0 0 7% ,RSD为 2 1 %。结论方法方便、准确 ,为复方大青叶注射液的质量控制提供一定依据。
Objective To describe a reversed-phase HPLC method for the determination of the contents of rhein and physcione in the Injectio Folii Isatidis Composita.Methods The samples were hydrolyzed in acid medium by reflux and separated on a Kromasil C_8 column ( 5 μm , 4.6 mm × 200 mm ) with the mobile phase of methanol-water-acetic acid( V∶V∶V =80∶20∶0.4).The flow rate was 0.8 mL·min -1 ,and the detection was set at 440 nm .Results The average recovery of rhein was 97.9% with RSD of 1.7%;the average recovery of physcione was 100.7% with RSD of 2.1%.Conclusion The method is simple, accurate and can be used for the quality control of the Injectio Folii Isatidis Composita.
Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University