探讨门诊护理管理者在大型综合医院应对突发疫情时的管理方法。建立新科室新体制与实施新制度新流程 ;建立健全消毒、隔离和防护管理制度 ;严格执行各项制度及工作流程 ;建立对各类工作人员的全员全面岗前培训考核制度 ;护理人员的统一协调 ;明确人员属地管理原则。经过采取上述一系列协调管理措施 ,使在门诊隔离病房、发热门诊和SARS专用手术室工作的各类人员无一人发生感染。
To explore the management methods of general hospital in face of outburst epidemic situation. To establish new ward and new system, implement new rule and new flow, set up new regulation of disinfection, isolation and protection, train and examine the whole workers in different post in advance and arrange the nursing staff reasonably guarantee the health workers in the isolation ward, fever clinic and SARS special operation room from infection. It is important to prevent SARS spreading into the hospital.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School