目的 了解沈阳市育龄妇女死亡病因,为改善育龄妇女的生殖健康提供依据。方法 通过对沈阳市死亡报告系统进行回顾性调查,比较1996~2000年城乡不同年龄组间育龄妇女死亡变化趋势、死因顺位及恶性肿瘤死亡情况。结果 1996~2000年,沈阳市育龄妇女死亡率处于上下波动状态。城市疾病死亡率为67.24/10万,农村为45.97/10万。35~49岁城市妇女为育龄妇女死亡的重点人群,循环系统疾病为育龄妇女的主要死因。因癌症死亡的死亡率城市明显高于农村。育龄妇女因乳腺和生殖系统癌症造成的死亡占癌症死亡的1/4,在农村其发生率更高。结论 对育龄妇女的卫生保健工作仍需进一步加强。
Objective To find out about the causes of death of child-bearing women in Shenyang so as to provide basis for the improvement of child-bearing women's reproductive health. Methods A retrospective statistical survey into the death reporting system of Shenyang was conducted and a comparison was made between various age groups of child-bearing women from 1996 to 2000 with regard to the trends of changes in death, the rank order of causes of death and deaths due to malignant tumors. Results From 1996 to 2000, the death rate of child-bearing women in Shenyang was in a state of fluctuation. The case-death ratio in urban areas was 67.24 per 100 thousand people while the case-death ratio in rural areas was 45.97 per 100 thousand. Urban women aged 35 to 49 accounted for most of the deaths among child-bearing women. The rate of death due to cancers in urban areas was markedly higher than that in rural areas. The deaths of child-bearing women due to mammary and reproductive system cancers accounted for one fourths of deaths caused by cancer, with their incidence rate in rural areas being higher than in urban areas. Conclusion More work needs to be done to improve the healthcare of child-bearing women.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration