目的 :探讨心内直视手术后三尖瓣发生严重病变的原因及二次手术时三尖瓣置换的方法。 方法 :在全麻、体外循环下完成 8例心内直视术后因严重三尖瓣病变所致三尖瓣置换术。对 7例术后存活者进行随访。 结果 :手术死亡 1例。 7例术后存活者随访中 (0 5~ 5年 )无死亡及瓣膜相关并发症发生。 结论
Objective: To inquire into the etiology of tricuspid valve damage after open heart surgery , and the surgical technique of re operation. Methods: Eight patients with a primary open heart surgery received re oper ation of tricuspid valve replacement because of serious tricuspid valve disease between January, 1998 and September, 2002.All operations were performed under g eneral anesthesia and by cardiopulmonary bypass. Seven survivors were followed u p for 0 5 5 years. Results: There was one operative death. Prosthetic valve related compl ications were not found in the 7 survivors during follow up. Conclusion: Prosthetic heart valve replacement is an effective treatme nt f or patients with seriously damaged tricuspid valve after primary open heart surg ery.
Chinese Circulation Journal