
7~10月龄新西兰兔颞下颌关节组织学观察 被引量:1

Histological study on TMJ of New Zealand rabbit at the age of 7 to 10 months old
摘要 目的 :观察 7~ 10月龄新西兰兔TMJ的增龄性变化情况。方法 :7、8、9、10月龄新西兰纯种兔各 3只。双侧TMJ常规取材 ,HE染色观察。结果 :各年龄组TMJ组织层次类似 ,骨关节面表面纤维层增龄变化很小 ,前中部增殖层随月龄增加略变薄 ,使得髁突前中部肥大层相对厚度随月龄增加有所增加 ;颞骨关节面没有明显肥大层 ,其软骨样骨层厚度不均匀 ,在与关节盘中部相对的区域较厚 ,但无明显增龄变化 ;关节盘随年龄增加 ,厚度略有增加。结论 :新西兰兔TMJ在 7~ 10月龄期间 ,除关节软骨厚度略有变化外 。 Objective: To investigate the characters of the ageing changes in TMJ of New Zealand rabbit from 7 to 10 months old. Metho ds: 12 New Zealand rabbits aged 7,8,9 and 10 months old and 3 in eac h age group, were killed under anesthesia. Bilateral TMJs were histologically examined with HE stainnig. Results: Quite similar histolo gical structures were found in the TMJs in different age groups. Very few change s occurred in the fibre layer of osteo-articular surface. The thickness of the proliferate layer was decreased slightly in anterior and middle part saggitally, resulting in comparable increase of the hypertrophy layer with age. No hypertro phy layer was found in the cartilage over tempora articular surface. The thickne ss of the cartilage-like osteo layer was uneven, the thickest part was in the area towards condyle anterior slope and without age change. The thickness of d isc increased a little bit with age. Conclusion: The thick ness of the cartilage over TMJ articular surface of New Zealand rabbit at the a ge from 7 to 10 months old changes a little. The layer structures keep considera bly constant.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期544-546,共3页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 国家教委骨干教师资助计划资助 军队医药卫生"十五"规划资助编号 :0 1MB1 1 7 陕西省自然科这基金资助编号 :2 0 0 1SM 39
关键词 7~10月龄新西兰兔 颞下颌关节 组织学 年龄因素 颞骨关节面 Mandibular condyle Histology Age factors
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