This article introduces the production of LPC (leaf protein concentrates) with Aurny factoy being used as the case study. This factory can process 120 tons of herbs each hour. The hourly output of LPC is approximately 2 tons while the hourly output of herbal residue particles is approximately 20 tons each hour. The annual output of LPC is 5 000 tons and that of herbal residue particles is 7 5000 tons and the factory also undertakes 3 000 hm2 of alfalfa processing. LPC account for 6.25% of the total production at the factory which is 1.67% of the amount of herbs and 8.7% of the dry materials. The factory employs liquid supernatants to produce albumin and is heated up to 80oC or uses pH=4 acid to carry out the processing that allows them to obtain the albumin flocculate. Albumin is a type of superior plant protein that can be broadly applied to foods and medicines.
Journal of Sichuan Grassland